For those in NYC…

If you’re looking for something fun AND altruistic to do tonight, check out the Girls Write Now Fall Fundraiser at Fiddlesticks (56 Greenwich Ave) from 7-9pm.
Girls Write Now (GWN) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to guiding and encouraging underserved teenage girls in New York to develop their writing and communication skills through mentoring relationships with women writers. All programs are free, and GWN relies solely on volunteers and outside contributions and funding sources. Check out their website for more info.
Beer is going to be provided, and all the lovely gals of GWN are asking for is a modest $20 donation at the door. Naturally, there is a sliding scale for those who are low on the dough.
This is an amazing organization that my roommate happens to volunteer for, so if you’re in the area make sure to stop by!

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