Emergency contraception (EC) has been used for years to avoid unintended pregnancies. And as it has been proven to be safe and effective for this purpose, the FDA had plans to approve the emergency contraceptive Plan B to be available over-the-counter without a prescription. But there has been a change in plans, and the FDA has decided to postpone the approval by 90 days.
Many members of the FDA’s expert advisory committees are arguing against this postponement, saying that the decision made “suggests that the FDA’s decision-making process is being influenced by political considerations.”
When other drugs are proven safe within the same standards of EC, they are quickly mandated. So why not EC? I wonder which “political considerations” may be pulling the strings? Hmm.
In the meantime, Barr Laboratories, the distributor of Plan B, is planning to set restrictions on the selling of the drug: instructing pharmacists to keep it behind the counter to control sales, and to have a minimum age requirement. What about a 14 year-old rape victim? Will they have bouncers at the counter to make sure that her rights and access to reproductive health is stymied?
Not to mention, pharmacists having control over the distribution of EC has not proved to work well in the past. This will be a huge restriction.
Looks like Plan Bleak for now.
If you want more info, the Feminist Majority Foundation has created a campaign to raise awareness among young women about this problem.

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