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Refusing to Limit Myself

I guess this is a ranting session, but I also need feedback from the feministing community.

This summer I moved in with my parents due to economic reasons.  I haven’t lived with them for 5 years so they are now seeing how I conduct my daily routine.  Lately I’ve been training for a 5K and I’ll run right before dusk.  My neighborhood is a typical suburban area and I feel very comfortable and safe being out in public by myself.  My boyfriend usually runs with me, but he’s been working late so if he’s at work I’ll go by myself.  A few times I’ve been out running and come in right as it has been getting dark–this has not set well with my parents…

Middle School Girl Saves Baby Finch from Violence

My mom is a talk radio lover and the other day she told me about a news story she heard while driving to work.  It was about 12-year-old Jessica Jordan, a middle school student in Granada Hills, CA.  During lunch, Jessica witnessed three male schoolmates knock down a finch nest containing a mama bird and her three baby birds.  The male students started to stomp the baby birds and hit them with their backpacks.  Jessica rushed up to the horrific scene and starting hitting the boys to stop.  She managed to rescue one of the baby birds who was starting to bleed.  Teachers aided Jessica in trying to keep the baby bird alive while Jessica called her mother who whisked the ...

My mom is a talk radio lover and the other day she told me about a news story she heard while driving to work.  It was about 12-year-old Jessica Jordan, a middle school student in Granada Hills, ...