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Ask Amy Gives “Advice” to a Rape Victim

Cross posted at Benevolent Dictatrix

In today’s Ask Amy advice column, Amy answers a question from a rape victim.  The woman writes:

DEAR AMY: I recently attended a frat party, got drunk and made some bad decisions.

I let a guy take me to "his" room because he promised that he wouldn’t do anything I wasn’t comfortable with.  Many times, I clearly said I didn’t want to have sex, and he promised to my face that he wouldn’t.  Then he quickly proceeded to go against what he "promised." I was shocked, and maybe being intoxicated made my reaction time a bit slow in realizing what was happening.  We were soon kicked out of the room by the guy who lived there, who was pretty angry.  I guess my question is, if I wasn’t kicking and fighting him off, is it still rape?  I feel like calling it that is a bit extreme, but I haven’t felt the same since it happened.

Am I a victim? — Victim? in Virginia

Angry Letter to AMC

Crossposted at
Like Melissa of Shakesville, I Write Letters. Today’s letter is about an old commercial that has popped up recently during episodes of Mad Men. Here is the commercial:
Here is my letter:
Dear AMC:
I love Mad Men, and I watch it religiously every Sunday night. One of the most fascinating aspects of the show is seeing the female characters struggle to find a voice and an identity within the confines of an oppressive, sexist culture. I love watching this journey because it reminds me of how far women have come in the last few decades. So you can imagine my disappointment when I am treated to the incredibly offensive “Mr. and ...

Crossposted at
Like Melissa of Shakesville, I Write Letters. Today’s letter is about an old commercial that has popped up recently during episodes of Mad Men. Here is the commercial:
Here is my letter:

Everything is Gendered: Soup Edition

Originally posted at Some soup is for men. This soup is hearty and filling. It will give you energy for sports and extreme outdoor adventures. Men love full stomachs and sports!

Some soup is for women. This soup is healthy and will help you lose weight. Women love natural ingredients and being thin!

Sometimes, as a woman in charge of feeding a man, you want him to eat healthy soups. To accomplish this you must trick or force him into eating the healthy soup. He would obviously never make this choice on his own.

Class dismissed! You may adjourn to the cafeteria to eat your gender appropriate soups!

Originally posted at Some soup is for men. This soup is hearty and filling. It will give you energy for sports and extreme outdoor adventures. Men love full stomachs and sports!

Some ...

Women Who Deny Sexism

I would love to hear people’s thoughts on a phenomenon I have encountered with a few of my women friends. I have some friends who, when I bring up issues related to gender, sexism, or feminism act very dismissive. They will say things like, “Well I’ve never experienced sexism. I get paid the same as the men at my job, and I’ve never been denied an opportunity because I’m a woman.” They never come right out and say that they don’t think sexism exists, but they indicate that they are skeptical and dismissive of other women’s complaints, and they think sexism certainly doesn’t apply to them.
These responses leave me flabbergasted. I want to scream, ...

I would love to hear people’s thoughts on a phenomenon I have encountered with a few of my women friends. I have some friends who, when I bring up issues related to gender, sexism, or feminism ...

Superbowl Commercial Fallout

I think by now everyone has probably seen or read about some of the horribly violent, misogynistic, degrading commercials that were aired during the Superbowl. Personally, I sent emails to the worst offenders explaining why I didn’t like the commercials and that I would no longer buy their products. Today I received this response from Frito-Lay:

Hi Jenny,
Thank you for contacting Frito-Lay. Your comments are important to us, so we appreciate your sharing them with us.
Please know that we are sorry that you found the ad for DORITOS® Nacho Cheese Flavored Tortilla Chips offensive. It was intended to be a tongue-in-cheek, light-hearted way for us to talk about our Doritos. Over the years, Frito-Lay ...

I think by now everyone has probably seen or read about some of the horribly violent, misogynistic, degrading commercials that were aired during the Superbowl. Personally, I sent emails to the worst offenders explaining why I ...