The Wednesday Weigh-In: PRIDE Edition!

rainbow banner and large crowd of people

As Miriam noted, June is LQBTQ Pride Month in many places around the world, generally marked by parades, celebrations, demonstrations, and acts of solidarity for people in the LGBTQ community and allies. Here in NY, it could be made extra sweet if we pass marriage equality this week.

What better time for a Pride-themed weigh-in?

Pride is a funny thing. In public discourse, it’s alternatively described as a problem of self-righteousness or arrogance, and a necessary component of achievement and sense of a job well done. For me, it tends to come sporadically, and in accordance with my moods. I often find myself deflecting recognition for things I’ve worked on to others that I feel are more deserving, or being hard on myself for the one thing that went wrong when there are ten other things that went so right. But on the other hand, on a good day when I’m feeling less hard on myself, I’ll allow myself a moment of pride or self-congratulation, and feel unapologetic about it. I find this pattern to be true among a lot of my feminist friends, who tend to be hard-working, self-critical, and incredibly thoughtful and high-achieving.

This week’s weigh-in question, then, is straightforward, but contains multitudes:

Name one thing about yourself that you are most proud of, and why?

It could be an action you took (or didn’t take!), something you accomplished or achieved, an identity you uncovered, or a character trait you developed.

Hopefully, this can be an opportunity to reflect on identity, self-love, and all of the messy, complex components of these. For me, this question makes me think about the relationships in my life. When I dig down deep and think about what makes me feel truly accomplished and proud, it has more to do with how I treat people, and the kinds of people that I attract to my life, than it does with any one thing I did or accomplished. But that’s just me. I wanna hear about you!

So, you know the deal: leave your thoughts in comments!

Brooklyn, NY

Lori Adelman started blogging with Feministing in 2008, and now runs partnerships and strategy as a co-Executive Director. She is also the Director of Youth Engagement at Women Deliver, where she promotes meaningful youth engagement in international development efforts, including through running the award-winning Women Deliver Young Leaders Program. Lori was formerly the Director of Global Communications at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and has also worked at the United Nations Foundation on the Secretary-General's flagship Every Woman Every Child initiative, and at the International Women’s Health Coalition and Human Rights Watch. As a leading voice on women’s rights issues, Lori frequently consults, speaks and publishes on feminism, activism and movement-building. A graduate of Harvard University, Lori has been named to The Root 100 list of the most influential African Americans in the United States, and to Forbes Magazine‘s list of the “30 Under 30” successful mediamakers. She lives in Brooklyn, NY.

Lori Adelman is an Executive Director of Feministing in charge of Partnerships.

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