Title X Funding

Destabilizing Planned Parenthood would leave millions of low-income women, men and children without even the most basic reproductive health care.  It is neither logical nor ethical to prevent women from access to contraceptives and then disallow abortion when they have an unintended pregnancy. The pulling of funds from Title X and essentially, Planned Parenthood, is just another stick in the rolling fire of anti-choice legislation.  Albeit, a really, really big stick.  This is not about life.  It is about control. The phrase Pro-Life is a misnomer.  These people are not pro-life, they are anti-choice.  They are proving themselves to be the puppeteers in a million-marionette show.  Flexing their muscles and shoving us down when we try to make peace with diplomacy.  I am not advocating violence and I do not approve of the machismo culture in which our current political system is based.  But we cannot ignore what is happening to our autonomy as women.  Planned Parenthood has been the flagship for control over our own bodies for decades.  They are firing up the cannons and it’s time we fired back.  The rally in New York on the 26th is an excellent start.  But a start is all.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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