Posts Written by Dusty

Romney/Ryan/Rand 2012


I’ve been ruminating recently about Romney’s VP selection of Paul Ryan.  I know I’m not alone since the entire Internet has been blowing up over it, dissecting Ryan’s records and views and general way of being.  His stances on reproductive rights, which are horrifying, and his views on the economy, also horrifying, have been covered in great depth on a variety of news media from every conceivable angle.  His love of Ayn Rand and apparent confusion over the fact that her atheist beliefs of selfishness do not comfortably juxtapose Ryan’s Catholicism (would Jesus approve of Ayn Rand, I think not).  And his commitment to selfishnessshould not be discounted when discussing his policies.  How can we expect someone who espouses the ideals of selfishness (and, in fact cites Ayn Rand as his reason for entering politics – explain how that makes sense) to have everyone’s best interests at heart?  We know his budget plan is bad for everyone but millionaires and we know this is not an accident.

“This economic ideology might be acceptable if it worked. But it actually broke the world.” – Imara Jones, Colorlines

Ryan promotes Rand’s idealist view of capitalism, suggesting that government is the problem with our country and capitalism is the solution – a frightening prospect from someone running for Vice President.  It reminds me of Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation (if you haven’t watched that yet, do.  Amy Poehler’s character is the most feminist on TV ...

Dear Todd

A SYTYCB entry

Dear Todd,

I’m sure you’ve been getting many letters in response to your brave statement earlier this week, but I just had to contact you.  I am writing to express my gratitude for sharing the wealth of information you have on female reproduction.

Throughout my Masters education in Human Sexuality, I was indoctrinated into the lie that women ovulate.  It was my understanding that if sex occurs (whether by force or by choice) during this period, there is a high likelihood of pregnancy.  I was taught that women have no control over this phenomenon other than their horrifying use of birth control.  That when a woman ovulates her egg (or eggs, as the case may be) is available for ...

A SYTYCB entry

Dear Todd,

I’m sure you’ve been getting many letters in response to your brave statement earlier this week, but I just had to contact you.  I am writing to express my gratitude for sharing the ...

Born this way is irrelevent

A SYTYCB entry

The debate about homosexuality will, in all likelihood, continue ad infinitum.  At least as long as oppressive ideas of boy/girl, gay/straight, moral/amoral continue to be the mainstream discourse.  Unless you’ve been living under a big gay rock, you may have noticed the conversation’s turn to the inevitability of gayness.  That someone is born this way, or that they haven’t chosen this lifestyle and therefore cannot be faulted is a predominant argument in the LGBT movement.  From the conservative side, the idea that it is a choice and can be fixed/changed/altered if only you try hard enough is an equally predominant discussion.

I call shenanigans.  As a culture we have spent a long while seeking reasons for orientations other ...

A SYTYCB entry

The debate about homosexuality will, in all likelihood, continue ad infinitum.  At least as long as oppressive ideas of boy/girl, gay/straight, moral/amoral continue to be the mainstream discourse.  Unless you’ve been living under a ...

Title X Funding

Destabilizing Planned Parenthood would leave millions of low-income women, men and children without even the most basic reproductive health care.  It is neither logical nor ethical to prevent women from access to contraceptives and then disallow abortion when they have an unintended pregnancy. The pulling of funds from Title X and essentially, Planned Parenthood, is just another stick in the rolling fire of anti-choice legislation.  Albeit, a really, really big stick.  This is not about life.  It is about control. The phrase Pro-Life is a misnomer.  These people are not pro-life, they are anti-choice.  They are proving themselves to be the puppeteers in a million-marionette show.  Flexing their muscles and shoving us down when we try to make peace with ...

Destabilizing Planned Parenthood would leave millions of low-income women, men and children without even the most basic reproductive health care.  It is neither logical nor ethical to prevent women from access to contraceptives and then disallow abortion ...

More on HR3

We all know that the Right hates abortion.  We get it.  In fact, it’s been shoved down our collective throat.  Abortion is amoral.  Abortion is murder.  Abortion will send you and your unborn baby to hell. Abortion is Bad (with a capital B).

HR3 has been weighing on my mind lately (and I know I’m not alone).  In the bill itself it is referred to as the “No Taxpayer Funds for Abortion Act”.  I think that makes their goals pretty clear.  But there is a fun little ad-on as well:  this bill will restrict the medical definition of rape for which women receive health care and access to abortion to “forcible rape”.  This distinction has been covered in numerous other blogs ...

We all know that the Right hates abortion.  We get it.  In fact, it’s been shoved down our collective throat.  Abortion is amoral.  Abortion is murder.  Abortion will send you and your unborn baby to hell. Abortion ...