Rosie Perez is so bad-ass.

I know Samhita mentioned Perez’s contribution on marriage equality in New York, but I just had to share the actual video — not only because she is a fellow New Yorker like myself, but she calls out Senator Ruben Diaz (who is also severely anti-choice). She also called abstinence-only education as “insane” back in our Bush days. Love.

Can you also guess my new favorite line is?

Transcript forthcoming.

I know Samhita mentioned Perez’s contribution on marriage equality in New York, but I just had to share the actual video — not only because she is a fellow New Yorker like myself, but she ...

What We Missed

After being nominated for homecoming queen, 18-year old Andy Moreno is being told by her Dallas high school that she can’t run for the title because she’s transgender.

Not-so-shocking News of the Day: Republican “Young Guns” show a disturbing trend of contempt towards young women.

Check out DoubleX’s “Who Gets to Be a Feminist?”

Sharron Angle’s most recent racist advertisement.

After being nominated for homecoming queen, 18-year old Andy Moreno is being told by her Dallas high school that she can’t run for the title because she’s transgender.

Not-so-shocking News of the Day: Republican ...

Round-up: Responses to the gay teen suicides, bullying and It Gets Better campaign

It’s been a tough few weeks for queer youth. We’ve had five (at least that we know of and have gotten media attention) gay youth take their lives as a direct result of bullying or harassment based on their sexual orientation.

It reveals a truth we all know–it’s really hard to be different, especially as a young person. Middle and High School are hard as hell for anyone, let alone someone who is singled out for being different–especially being gay. While I was never bullied about my sexuality growing up (I wasn’t out after all, although that didn’t stop a few people from calling out my queerness way before I ever admitted it) I suppressed it for the very same ...

It’s been a tough few weeks for queer youth. We’ve had five (at least that we know of and have gotten media attention) gay youth take their lives as a direct result of bullying or harassment ...

Jerry Brown aide caught on tape calling Meg Whitman a “whore”

The LA Times reported last night that they had obtained audio of Jerry Brown, the Democratic candidate for governor in California, talking with one of his aides about the Republican opponent Meg Whitman. In the exchange, the aide suggests calling Whitman a “whore” for having made a pension deal during her campaign and Brown appears to approve the label. From the LA Times:

“Do we want to put an ad out? … That I have been warned if I crack down on pensions, I will be – that they’ll go to Whitman, and that’s where they’ll go because they know Whitman will give ‘em, will cut them a deal, but I won’t,” Brown said.

At that point, ...

The LA Times reported last night that they had obtained audio of Jerry Brown, the Democratic candidate for governor in California, talking with one of his aides about the Republican opponent Meg Whitman. In the exchange, ...

American politics: It could be more ridiculous, I guess.

Barack Obama’s birthday was a few months ago, on August 4th, and I spent the day putting together a “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” calendar, for which I posed as Marilyn Monroe, only instead of wearing a fur stole and a gold evening gown, I wore my sexiest blogging outfit – sweats and a clean hoodie. Ok, I did no such thing, and if I did, I sure as hell wouldn’t tell anyone about it.

But not everyone feels that way, apparently. The NYT’s Lede blog reported yesterday on some interesting student activism in Russia. In honour of Vladimir Putin’s birthday, two groups of student journalists have produced calendars:

The first calendar, which features 12 racy photographs of lingerie-clad ...

Barack Obama’s birthday was a few months ago, on August 4th, and I spent the day putting together a “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” calendar, for which I posed as Marilyn Monroe, only instead of wearing a ...

Rosie Perez is so bad-ass.

I know Samhita mentioned Perez’s contribution on marriage equality in New York, but I just had to share the actual video — not only because she is a fellow New Yorker like myself, but she calls out Senator Ruben Diaz (who is also severely anti-choice). She also called abstinence-only education as “insane” back in our Bush days. Love.

Can you also guess my new favorite line is?

Transcript forthcoming.

I know Samhita mentioned Perez’s contribution on marriage equality in New York, but I just had to share the actual video — not only because she is a fellow New Yorker like myself, but she ...

Guest Post: My Mother’s Womb

This is a guest post from educator and writer Dena Simmons. Her bio can be found after the jump. Trigger warning.

I started to bleed the same day I found out my mother has tumors in her uterus. I bleed each month, my body’s reminder that I am a woman, that some day I will bear children. This month, like every month for the past sixteen years of my menstruation, I allow blood to flow through my vagina; I allow another child-to-be to pass through me, but today, I bleed after learning my mother’s uterus has failed her. My mother bled for an entire year before she went to the doctor, before she learned that she must ...

This is a guest post from educator and writer Dena Simmons. Her bio can be found after the jump. Trigger warning.

I started to bleed the same day I found out my mother has tumors in her ...

What We Missed: Community blog edition

We’ve had some great content over at the community blog this week, so I’m focusing this WWM on posts you might have missed over there.

Justin Sherwood shares his own freshman year coming out tale, in honor of Tyler Clementi.

Martha and Maya respond to The Social Network.

Marisaao points out that homophobic bullying happens in Canada too.

The ACLU asks When Will California Stop Shackling Pregnant Women?

Arielle Cohen responds to the newest breast cancer awareness meme: I like it…

Tracey’s got a great response to Tea Party member Christine O’Donnell’s “I’m you” campaign.

And then two non-community blog things to check out:

Jessica’s got a great piece in the Nation about conservative’s claiming feminism. Check it out.

I wrote ...

We’ve had some great content over at the community blog this week, so I’m focusing this WWM on posts you might have missed over there.

Justin Sherwood shares his own freshman year coming out tale, in honor ...

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