Sick of having a visible vagina?

Look no further.

This fucking floors me. I don’t get how anyone could come to even think of this. Seriously? First off, I am getting sick of beauty myths spreading all over my vagina. My vag is fuckin’ gorgeous, and I don’t need a camel-toe-fixing hunk of plastic, waxing, or hymen replacement to feel that way.

Second off, the total ignorance about female (and male) anatomy is, well, astounding.

"Camel Toe might be hot… if you are a guy!!" … how exactly does, never mind.

"As we have evolved, hair down there is a thing of the past." Um, my vagina begs to differ. And since when does waxing have to do with evolution?

"because you don’t want everyone to see your damn uterus from the outside" Thankfully, we don’t have to worry about that, because the uterus is an internal reproductive organ. *groan*

And really, how many words to say ‘vagina’ do we need?? Fuck, they don’t even actually use the word ‘vagina’ except when talking about ‘organic vagina lips.’ Organic? How about biological? Apparently, cooze and pussy are far preferable and the vagina is some crazy, organic new-age hippie crap.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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