oh Onion… “Ugly Girl Killed: Nation Unshaken By Not-So-Tragic Death”

Yeah I love The Onion too! Check this article out…

To the few who knew her, Edith was an unattractive, awkward little girl who failed to stand out among her first-grade classmates at Jefferson Elementary School. And it is this lack of social grace, more than anything, that makes her all-too-brief life—and its all-too-brief ending—all the more not-compelling and non-poignant in the eyes of a city and a nation.

Haaaahaha. It’s funny because it’s true! Pretty white girls are the only murder victims who get any air time. Are you sick of it too?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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