Smith reacts to anti-gay bigot

Last night Ryan Sorba, an “anti-homosexual activist” spoke at Smith College. Sorba, the author of the upcoming book, “The Born Gay Hoax,” (yes, seriously) can been seen in action here. The awesome feminists of Smith forced Sorba out after a mere twenty minutes of speaking, when he was drowned out by protesters.

Pam has more.
Thanks to Diana and Anne for the heads up!

Last night Ryan Sorba, an “anti-homosexual activist” spoke at Smith College. Sorba, the author of the upcoming book, “The Born Gay Hoax,” (yes, seriously) can been seen in action here. The awesome feminists ...

On taking quotes out of context

In one of our threads, commenter atheistwoman cited an article I was quoted in, writing that I said I “don’t post more serious stuff because no one commented.” I’ve seen this repeated elsewhere, so I just wanted to set the record straight – because it drives me insane when people take my quotes out of context. (And this is not a jab at atheistwoman at all, just the nutty game of telephone that is the blogosphere sometimes.)
From the Utne Reader:

Jessica Valenti, executive editor of Feministing, says she’d like to see some of the “less trendy issues,” like poverty and international concerns, get more space in the feminist blogosphere. “But what happens with us is we ...

In one of our threads, commenter atheistwoman cited an article I was quoted in, writing that I said I “don’t post more serious stuff because no one commented.” I’ve seen this repeated elsewhere, so I ...

Stay classy, Joe Francis

Ashley Alexandra Dupre, the sex worker in the Spitzer scandal, has filed a lawsuit against Girls Gone Wild, which notes that Dupre was underage when she exposed herself on video.
GGW founder and known asshole Joe Francis’ response: “But I think it’s ironic that she charged Gov. Spitzer $2,000 for sex and she wants to charge me 10 million for taking some naked pictures of her…I feel like I’m getting a raw deal.”
Warms the heart, no?
Thanks to Hilary for the link.
Ashley Alexandra Dupre, the sex worker in the Spitzer scandal, has filed a lawsuit against Girls Gone Wild, which notes that Dupre was underage when she exposed herself on video.
GGW founder and known ...

Yale Women’s Center harassers found not guilty by school

Some bad news via Female Impersonator:

At the beginning of the semester, there was an incident here at Yale involving a “fraternity prank” and the Women’s Center where 12 members of the Zeta Psi frat stood in front of the Women’s Center chanting “dick dick dick dick” while holding a sign saying “We Love Yale Sluts.” Quite the incident.
On Monday, the Executive Committee of Yale College found the members of this group not guilty of intimdiation [sic] and harassment charges. No charges of sexual harassment were ever filed, even though complaints were issued with the Sexual Harassment Grievance Board.

The men also intimidated women trying to enter the center. But I guess that’s not harassment, huh? ...

Some bad news via Female Impersonator:

At the beginning of the semester, there was an incident here at Yale involving a “fraternity prank” and the Women’s Center where 12 members of the Zeta Psi frat ...

Fathers should not wax their daughters

Fathers should not wax their daughters. Anywhere. (An obvious sentiment if I ever saw one.) They also should not pimp their daughters. Apparently both of these clearcut parental boundaries are lost on this guy.

Fathers should not wax their daughters. Anywhere. (An obvious sentiment if I ever saw one.) They also should not pimp their daughters. Apparently both of these clearcut parental boundaries are lost on

Why I’m excited

Because this weekend, my friend Sara Bacon is coming over to install these awesome pieces: An investigation of boy doll accessories and An investigation of girl doll accessories. SO excited.
Sara is probably my oldest friend (we chilled in diapers together), and I’m just amazed by her work and just generally proud to know her. That is all.

Because this weekend, my friend Sara Bacon is coming over to install these awesome pieces: An investigation of boy doll accessories and An investigation of girl doll accessories. SO excited.
Sara is probably my ...

Aborting of female fetuses is a “national shame” in India.

Despite an increase in education there doesn’t seem to be a change in the practice of aborting a fetus when you find out it is female. There is still “missing” baby girls in India due to the practice. The Indian PM has made a statement against this.
via NYTimes.

Describing the abortion of female fetuses as “inhuman, uncivilized and reprehensible,� he said the government should crack down on the large numbers of doctors who illegally disclosed the sex of the fetus to the parents, and then arranged abortions of unwanted girls.

To put the national spotlight on the fact that this is a problem is a good thing. But I don’t know about this:

Before undergoing an ultrasound test in India, ...

Despite an increase in education there doesn’t seem to be a change in the practice of aborting a fetus when you find out it is female. There is still “missing” baby girls in India due to the ...

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