Beyond “Catfighting”: Creating Strategic Collaborations within Feminist Media.

This panel is addressing the question of how to build actual collaborations between different types of feminist media and organizations. How do we partner with feminist organizations and media as opposed to fighting or competing for readers?
Jessica is talking about how feminist blogs can be a model for collaboration since we all work together, link to each other, guest blog for each other etc. Despite a healthy competition there is still a sense of community.
Other panelists include Andi Zeisler co-founder and editorial/creative director at Bitch, Denisse Andrade from Manhatten Neighborhood Network and co-founder of the Grassroots Media Conference and Nancy Goldstein, director of Communication and Development for National Advocates for Pregnant Woman.
“We should fight this fight on all fronts.”
Even feminist media is caught up on the same stories. Why do we only hear certain stories, certain links etc? If all your research is done online there is the potential for missing local organizations that may not have strong web presences. Who has the entitlement to speak? How do we reach out to people that don’t have authority to speak?
The exciting project of building online communities through blogging and social networking technologies is slowly but surely being realized. The hope is that these connections will translate to real world connections between media and non-profit and community organizations.
Do you think that is happening?
Oh and granted we are all doing really amazing work but how the hell are we supposed to make any money???
And Vanessa and I are intently paying attention playing with my macbook cam


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