Posts Tagged Women Organize to Resist and Defend

In NYC? Join tonight’s flashmob to demand EC access!

Tonight, reproductive justice advocates in New York City will join together in a flashmob to demand over-the-counter emergency contraception for people of all ages. As Feminsting has written about before, the Obama administration refuses to respect voluminous research that EC is really, really safe and instead relies on sexist, paternalistic instinct to deny access to young people and other marginalized groups. First Health and Human Services, with the administration’s support, overruled the FDA’s decision to provide open EC availability. Now the administration and co-opted FDA are refusing a judge’s order to drop the unscientific restrictions. Why is Obama playing politics with our health? 

Tonight, reproductive justice advocates in New York City will join together in a flashmob to demand over-the-counter emergency contraception for people of all ages. As Feminsting has written about