Posts Tagged women and gender studies

Why Would You Choose a Degree in Women and Gender Studies?!

When I tell people that I am majoring in Women and Gender Studies (WGS), it seems to be commonplace to get one of two responses. There is the snide remark that goes along the lines of “What type of things do you talk about in those classes? How to burn bras, start abortion rallies, and hate on men? Har Har!” Sometimes, for the fun of it, I like to reply, “Yeah, that’s EXACTLY what I’ve learned over the past four years I have been at college. I can throw a bra burning bonfire like it’s my job! There’s one at my place tonight and we’re having s’mores! You should stop by!” But thankfully, the most typical response I come across is, “Oh, ...

When I tell people that I am majoring in Women and Gender Studies (WGS), it seems to be commonplace to get one of two responses. There is the snide remark that goes along the lines of “What ...