Posts Tagged war on men

WSJ writer James Taranto blames intoxicated rape victims for their own assaults

*Trigger warning*

James Taranto’s made up War on Men persists. In his column for the Wall Street Journal yesterday, Taranto went even further than Emily “drunk women should expect to be assaulted” Yoffe.

He argued that women who drink and are forced to have sex against their will are not only at fault for their assault, but are equally guilty of a crime.

What is called the problem of “sexual assault” on campus is in large part a problem of reckless alcohol consumption, by men and women alike.

*Trigger warning*

James Taranto’s made up War on Men persists. In his column for the Wall Street Journal yesterday, Taranto went even further than Emily “drunk women should expect to be assaulted” Yoffe.

He argued that women who ...

Senator Claire McCaskill stands up for survivors

After Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill put a hold on to Lieutenant General Susan Helms’ nomination to be vice commander of the Air Force Space Command because of her involvement in an unfair military sexual assault case, McCaskill was accused of participating in the so-called “war on men.” She had a lot to say in response to that, including:

My colleagues and I are fighting not to criminalize men, but to bring the cowards who commit sexual assault to justice. And our fight won’t stop until we give the brave men and women of our military the resources and justice they deserve.

Read more of her unapologetic, spot-on response at the Daily Beast.


After Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill put a hold on to Lieutenant General Susan Helms’ nomination to be vice commander of the Air Force Space Command because of her involvement in an unfair military sexual assault case, McCaskill ...