Posts Tagged vintage

Vintage Batgirl PSA: “It’s no joke, it’s the federal equal pay law!’

48 years ago tomorrow, the Equal Pay Act was signed into law by President John F. Kennedy to “prohibit discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages by employers”. To celebrate, check out this PSA from the 60’s starring Batman (Adam Westunidentified actor), Robin (Burt Ward), and Batgirl (Yvonne Craig). Holy discontent Batman!

The ad is unfortunately still relevant. As President Obama pointed out in his press release from last year, at the time the Act was signed, women were paid 59 cents for every dollar earned by men. But today, 48 years later, pay parity remains far from reality, as women in the United States still only earn 77 cents for every dollar earned by men.

48 years ago tomorrow, the Equal Pay Act was signed into law by President John F. Kennedy to “prohibit discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages by employers”. To celebrate, check out this PSA ...