Posts Tagged Viagra


Anti-choice bill sponsor in Minnesota: Viagra is a “wonderful drug” that “helps create life”

While Wisconsin’s new restrictions on tele-medicine abortions recently went into effect, Minnesota’s Democratic Governor sensibly vetoed a similar bill in my home state–but not before the bill’s sponsor sang the praises of that “wonderful drug” Viagra.

During debate on the bill a Democratic Senator asked the bill’s sponsor, Republican Sen. Paul Gazelka, why the abortion pill needed to be regulated but erectile dysfunction meds like Viagra do not. Gazelka responded that unlike RU-486, Viagra is a “wonderful drug” that “helps create life.” Robin Marty at RH Reality Check emailed the Senator to find out more about Gazelka’s love of Viagra. He explained:

Comparing Viagra to RU-486 was comparing apples and oranges or more like comparing life and death. ...

While Wisconsin’s new restrictions on tele-medicine abortions recently went into effect, Minnesota’s Democratic Governor sensibly vetoed a similar bill in my home state–but not before the bill’s sponsor sang the praises of that “wonderful ...