Posts Tagged Urban Outfitters

Weekly Feminist Reader

50 years ago, today.

The stigma of loving transgender women.

“When people say women of color, am I included in that equation?”

Urban Outfitters #fail.

This is exceptionalism we don’t need.

One classroom, two genders.

Hollywood’s “sassy black lady” problem.

What Scandal gets right, and wrong.

9/11 and communities of color.

Aziz Ansari, Boom.

There’s no politician quite like her.

Mister Cee, hip-hop and tolerance.

What people don’t realize is that most of these girls are adolescents.”


New fave Tumblr: Men Taking Up Too Much Space On The Train

Making isn’t frivolous.

On getting called out.

Miss America, what’s the verdict?

Debunking ...

50 years ago, today.

The stigma of loving transgender women.

“When people say women of color, am I included in that equation?”

Urban Outfitters #fail.

This is exceptionalism we don’t need.

What We Missed

Chloe talks “Parks and Recreation” on Bloggingheads.

As usual, Jay Smooth nails it.

Also Occupy-related: The People of Color Occupying Wall Street Working Group works to improve racial diversity in the movement.

Urban Outfitters sell a ridiculously offensive “Navajo” line of clothing — then quietly erases the line from their site.

As an update to Zerlina’s post on voter suppression, AP reports that South Carolina’s voter-ID law disproportionately prevents African-American voters from participating in elections. Shocking, we know.

Love this: The Repeal Hyde Art Project. Send in your submissions, y’all!

Chloe talks “Parks and Recreation” on Bloggingheads.

As usual, Jay Smooth nails it.

Also Occupy-related: The People of Color Occupying Wall Street Working Group works to improve racial diversity in the movement.

Urban Outfitters ...