Posts Tagged The Queen

Britain posthumously pardons scientist it chemically castrated

Alan Turing was a genius, a brilliant mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, and considered the father of computer science and artificial intelligence. He helped crack the Enigma Code used by Nazis and, many historians argue, is responsible for shortening World War Two by two years, saving countless lives and ensuring victory for the Allies. So, why was this man, who should have been hailed as a hero, disgraced and sentenced to chemical castration? 

Alan Turing was a genius, a brilliant mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, and considered the father of computer science and artificial intelligence. He helped crack the Enigma Code used by Nazis and, many historians argue, is responsible for ...

Weekly Feminist Reader

A photographer examines the struggle to provide women with safe, respectful care during childbirth.

Rush Limbaugh says VAWA is just a mean plot by the Democrats to make the GOP look bad. Obviously.

There’s a profile of feminist bad-ass Ruth Bader Ginsburg in this week’s New Yorker.

A interesting discussion of women’s position within Sikhism.

“Women don’t just need to lean in. They need to carefully calibrate the angle of their approach to suit every possible scenario.” Amanda Hess on the contradictions in Sheryl Sandberg’s advice to working women. And alternative takes from Anna Holmes and Rebecca Traister.

How the War on Terror in England became a war on women and children.

“I’m tired of constantly establishing my value. I’d rather ...

A photographer examines the struggle to provide women with safe, respectful care during childbirth.

Rush Limbaugh says VAWA is just a mean plot by the Democrats to make the GOP look bad. Obviously.

There’s a ...