Posts Tagged Social Security

Weekly Feminist Reader

Patrick Stewart answers a fan’s unexpected question.

Sex workers engage in democratic political processes. Duh.

It’s not just Facebook that has an online hate speech problem.

Donate to Transgender Studies Quarterly.

Jessica writes about #FBrape as a potential feminist tipping point at The Nation.

A letter to the President on the anniversary of Dr. Tiller’s murder.

Bye, Bachmann.

A victim of the New Orleans Mother’s Day shooting will celebrate his 11th birthday in style.

Could you use support on the anniversary of your assault?

TV loves dead teenage girls.

Do Disney Princess movies pass the Bechdel test?

“What does it say about pride parade events that lesbians ...

Patrick Stewart answers a fan’s unexpected question.

Sex workers engage in democratic political processes. Duh.

It’s not just Facebook that has an online hate speech problem.

Donate to Transgender Studies Quarterly.

Jessica writes ...

Chart of the Day: Poor elderly women to get screwed in fiscal cliff deal

After several offers and counteroffers, Congress and the President may be close to reaching a fiscal cliff deal. Part of that agreement involves cutting Social Security benefits by switching to calculating them based on chained CPI.

According to Brad DeLong, “‘Chained-CPI’ is code for ‘let’s really impoverish some women in their 90s!'”

Since women tend to live longer than men and tend to be poorer than men, they’ll be the hardest hit by this change. As Bryce Covert notes, Social Security is basically the only source of income for nearly 40 percent of women over 80, compared to 28 percent of men. By switching to chained-CPI, at age 80, a single elderly woman’s Social Security benefits would be cut by ...

Quick Hit: Rick Santorum blames abortion for Social Security problems

Oh, Rick Santorum, you slay me. First you compare abortion to slavery, now abortion is responsible for current threats to Social Security. He said on a radio show yesterday in New Hampshire:

“The social security system in my opinion is a flawed design, period. But, having said that, the design would work a lot better if we had stable demographic trends. … The reason social security is in big trouble is we don’t have enough workers to support the retirees. Well, a third of all the young people in America are not in America today because of abortion, because one in three pregnancies end in abortion.”

If I had a dime for ...

Oh, Rick Santorum, you slay me. First you compare abortion to slavery, now abortion is responsible for current threats to Social Security. He said on a radio show yesterday in New Hampshire:

“The ...