Posts Tagged Shirley Sherrod

Shirley Sherrod Photo

Shirley Sherrod’s Case and the Power of the Personal Story

The case of Shirley Sherrod is starting to wind down, but the dialogue around race in America is as vibrant as ever. There is an important post at What About Our that names as Robert Gibbs put it, “people involved in this situation” that “acted without a complete set of facts.” While the article understandably goes for the NAACP’s jugular, it also diffuses the responsibility by holding Roland Martin and Dr. Boyce accountable for skewering a black grandmother without taking the entire tape into account.

While the African American men who acted in haste are one part of Sherrod’s story, a story that is being framed as one of  a heroine, this recent case also makes me ...

The case of Shirley Sherrod is starting to wind down, but the dialogue around race in America is as vibrant as ever. There is an important post at What About Our that names as ...