Posts Tagged SAHM

More moms are staying home but not necessarily because they want to

After decades of declining, the proportion of stay-at-home-moms has risen from a low a of 23 percent in 1999 to 29 percent of all mothers in 2012. Let the mommy wars commence!

JK. In fact, while many a trend piece would have you believe that all SAHMs are affluent, educated women who are choosing to stay home to care for the kids while their husbands work because feminism is a failure, the new analysis from Pew Research shows that’s decidedly not the case.

After decades of declining, the proportion of stay-at-home-moms has risen from a low a of 23 percent in 1999 to 29 percent of all mothers in 2012. Let the mommy wars commence!

JK. In fact, ...