Posts Tagged rush limbaugh apology

Leaked Limbaugh video: the shocking truth behind Rush’s apology to Sandra Fluke

As of Sunday, 98 advertisers have dropped Rush Limbaugh! This is despite Rush’s so called “apology” (or Rushology) to Sandra Fluke for his poor word choice. Perhaps not as many advertisers would have dropped Rush if there had been an ounce of sincerity in his apology. This video presents what the real Rush knows:  He’s not really sorry, he just doesn’t want to lose advertising.  He and the GOP hate women. And he’s the real “slut.”

Transcript after the jump. Oh and by the way, this is satire.

As of Sunday, 98 advertisers have dropped Rush Limbaugh! This is despite Rush’s so called “apology” (or Rushology) to Sandra Fluke for his poor word choice. Perhaps not as many advertisers would have dropped Rush ...