Posts Tagged #Rose4Space

Photo of the Day: #Rose4Space

So, AXE is holding a contest to send people into space. Actually. You sign up, your friends vote for you, you move on to the global competition, and then BAM you are ON A SPACESHIP.

The company had just assumed that dudes and dudes only would flock to the opportunity: the website calls for a “few brave men.” But Malaysia’s presumptive winner is Roshini “Rose” Muniam, whose #Rose4Space campaign, coordinated by Jaymee Goh, has galvanized international support. The picture above shows just how unprepared AXE was for a lady winner, and feels like a big, awesome middle finger to the company’s gendered expectations. At the same time, the image highlights the absurdity of our objectifying, heteronormative ...

So, AXE is holding a contest to send people into space. Actually. You sign up, your friends vote for you, you move on to the global competition, and then BAM you are ON A ...