Posts Tagged retro wife

Deja Vu: The “retro wife,” 10 years later

New York Magazine’s recent cover story “The Retro Wife” has raised hackles here, there, and everywhere. At Feministing, we shared the smart thoughts of Shannon Drury of The Radical Housewife yesterday.

But this is hardly the first time a prominent woman writer has tackled the “opt out” subject. A decade ago, Lisa Belkin, now of the Huffington Post, wrote a feature story for the New York Times Magazine called “The Opt-Out Revolution.” She reported essentially the same thing as Lisa Miller did for New York. With time, though, Belkin has found some additional wisdom. And she wrote about it in a thoughtful reflection ...

New York Magazine’s recent cover story “The Retro Wife” has raised hackles here, there, and everywhere. At Feministing, we shared the smart thoughts of Shannon Drury of ...