Posts Tagged Paycheck Fairness Act

Chart of the Day: The pay gap narrows by one whole percentage point

Readers, I am forced to humbly apologize to the Senate Republicans. Just this morning, I blamed them for, yet again, blocking legislation to address pay discrimination. But it turns out they might be on to something. According to latest data from the Census Bureau, even without the help of the Paycheck Fairness Act, the gender pay gap narrowed last year from 77 cents to the dollar to…drumroll please!…78 cents!

Readers, I am forced to humbly apologize to the Senate Republicans. Just this morning, I blamed them for, yet again, blocking legislation to address pay discrimination. But it turns out they might be on to ...

Weekly Feminist Reader

Autostraddle takes on misogyny within butch communities.

Feminists aren’t the ones who think all men are rapists. Rapists are.

An open letter to Eve Ensler.

17-year-old girl wins hackathon.

Angela Davis and Lennox Hinds denounce the FBI for naming Assata Shakur a “Most Wanted Terrorist.”

Why the hunt for Shakur matters.

Cosponsor the Employment Non-Discrimination Act here.

Demand access to emergency contraception for all women.

Many of the Human Rights Campaign’s biggest donors are drone manufacturers.

Pro-choice activists are risking prison time by educating people about abortion.

On Amanda Knox, sexual freedom, and Henry James.

A Harvard professor claims Keynes’ sexuality means he didn’t care about future generations (and ...

Autostraddle takes on misogyny within butch communities.

Feminists aren’t the ones who think all men are rapists. Rapists are.

An open letter to Eve Ensler.

17-year-old girl wins hackathon.

Angela Davis and Lennox ...

Today we’re “celebrating” Equal Pay Day

It’s that time again–the day when we take stock of how little the gender pay gap as budged in recent years. Thanks to the gap, it takes until today, April 9th, for the average woman in the US to work enough to earn as much as the average man earned in 2012. And while the pay gap is 77 cents to the dollar overall, the figures for women of color are even worse:

Black women earn 64 cents to each dollar for white men. Hispanic women earn 55 cents to each dollar for white men. Asian women earn 87.6 cents to each a dollar for white men.

While you’re seething, you can thank the Republicans in Congress for ...

It’s that time again–the day when we take stock of how little the gender pay gap as budged in recent years. Thanks to the gap, it takes until today, April ...

Urge your senators to vote for the Paycheck Fairness Act!

Tomorrow, the Senate is set to vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act (PFA), which would update, strengthen and close the loopholes of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which made it illegal for employers to pay men and women unequal wages for the same work. As our own Zerlina reports, the PFA “would prohibit employer retaliation, allow workers to join class action lawsuits, as well  as ensure that the victims received back pay from discriminatory employers.  For some women the difference in pay for a man that does the same job can add up to $24,000 dollars a year in lost wages and nearly $431,000 over the course of a lifetime.”

Of course, Republicans are expected to vote against the radical, ...

Tomorrow, the Senate is set to vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act (PFA), which would update, strengthen and close the loopholes of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which made it illegal for employers to pay ...