Posts Tagged Oscar Grant

A queer-of-color reflection on Fruitvale Station

It’s been a couple of weeks since I saw Fruitvale Station now, the acclaimed film about the last 24 hours of the life of Oscar Grant, a young Oakland, CA man who was murdered in cold blood and in front of many witnesses by a BART cop back in 2009. I went to see it without thinking much about that decision; I knew it was out, that it was a film that addressed the endemic police brutality that people of color – and particularly Black men and masculine-presenting Black folks – face, and that I wanted to watch it, so I just looked up the showtimes and, with my partner, made my way. At the theater ...

It’s been a couple of weeks since I saw Fruitvale Station now, the acclaimed film about the last 24 hours of the life of Oscar Grant, a young Oakland, CA man who was murdered ...

The Feministing Five: Andrea Prichett

In the time of Oscar Grant police brutality is anything but new.  The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project found that from April 2009-June 2010, 5,986 reports of misconduct were recorded, 382 fatalities were linked to misconduct and 347,455,000 were spent in related settlements and judgments. Officers escape scot-free from any consequences for their abuse. Not to mention Aiyana Jones, Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo, and the countless other undocumented victims of police brutality. And of course, Troy Davis an example of gross misconduct not just by police but by the system.

It’s good to know that despite the overwhelming force and control that the police have over our communities, there are people who are not ...

In the time of Oscar Grant police brutality is anything but new.  The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project found that from April 2009-June 2010, 5,986 reports of misconduct were recorded, 382 fatalities were linked ...

$1.3 Million does not mean justice for Oscar Grant

As reported by the Grio, yesterday the San Francisco transit agency (known as BART) agreed to pay $1.3 million to the mother of Oscar Grant. You’ll remember Grant was the 22-year-old unarmed black man who was fatally shot by a white transit officer in 2009. The officer was found guilty only of involuntary manslaughter, and has already been released from jail.

The Grio reports that this is actually the second settlement that BART has reached with the Grant family, the first being when the agency agreed to pay $1.5 million to the mother of Grant’s 6-year-old daughter last year.

John Burris, Grant’s family lawyer, said that a civil rights suit is still underway, and that while the settlements do ...

As reported by the Grio, yesterday the San Francisco transit agency (known as BART) agreed to pay $1.3 million to the mother of Oscar Grant. You’ll remember Grant was the 22-year-old unarmed black man who was ...