Posts Tagged Osama Bin Laden

What We Missed

Well, that didn’t take long — a video game has been introduced simulating the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Shocker: Just one of the eight contenders for The Week’s Blogger of the Year award is a woman.

A recent study found that gay men are 1.9 times more likely to have had cancer than straight men. Lots of questions here.

Here’s some random bizarro news: Norma McCorvey, or “Jane Roe” of Roe v. Wade, has apparently landed an acting role as an anti-choicer in a British thriller.

Well, that didn’t take long — a video game has been introduced simulating the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Shocker: Just one of the eight contenders for The Week’s Blogger of the Year award ...

Reactions to Bin Laden’s death by gender

“Throughout human history, war has been seen as a gendered activity, one that separates men and women into more sharply defined roles than almost any other undertaking.”

— quoted from materials for “In the War Zone: How Does Gender Matter?”, a 2005 conference at Harvard University

Where were you when you found out about the death of Osama Bin Laden?

I was at a neighborhood bar in Crown Heights, where a friend of mine was celebrating her birthday. The DJ had been on a roll, playing Jill Scott, D’angelo, and Janet Jackson as the birthday girl swayed and laughed. When the music cut off suddenly, everyone began to loudly voice their disapproval- until they realized that history was unfolding on the large projector ...

“Throughout human history, war has been seen as a gendered activity, one that separates men and women into more sharply defined roles than almost any other undertaking.”

— quoted from materials for “In the War Zone: How Does ...

What We Missed: H.R. 3 Passes House

Breaking: The House has passed H.R. 3, with 16 Democrats voting yes.

Obama announced he will not release a photo of Osama bin Laden’s body to the public, saying that the U.S. doeesn’t “trot out this stuff as trophies.”

Great news: The Georgia legislature has proposed a bill that would prohibit the shackling of pregnant women during labor, delivery and recovery. Via Spark.

Disgusting: A teacher in Texas was suspended for saying to his student Monday, who is Muslim: “I bet you’re grieving.”

Breaking: The House has passed H.R. 3, with 16 Democrats voting yes.

Obama announced he will not release a photo of Osama bin Laden’s body to the public, saying that the U.S. doeesn’t “trot ...

The Wednesday Weigh-In: When feelings and feminism collide

It’s time for the second weekly Wednesday Weigh-In! And I want to talk about feelings, you guys!

This week, in the aftermath of Osama Bin Laden’s assassination, there’s been a lot of debate around the “appropriate” reaction to the news. As Joan Walsh noted, “Battles raged Monday not so much over whether the U.S. killing Osama was morally or legally justified, but over the right way to feel about it, and the right way to express those feelings.”

I personally didn’t feel any happiness about Osama’s death and basically agreed with the many progressives–including Cord Jefferson, Mona Eltahawy and Tim Wise–who criticized the nationalistic, “frat boy,” USA! USA! reaction. But ...

It’s time for the second weekly Wednesday Weigh-In! And I want to talk about feelings, you guys!

This week, in the aftermath of Osama Bin Laden’s assassination, there’s been a lot of debate around ...