Posts Tagged okcupid

The personal is political, and also personal: Why choosing to date within your race isn’t racist

I fear that I’m about to wade into all kinds of messy territory, but alas, that is the work of feminist critical thinking. This morning I came across a Slate piece by Reihan Salam about why expressing a same-race preference on dating websites is racist. I beg to differ. Salam’s main argument comes down to this:

“There are good reasons to question the moral appropriateness of strong same-race preferences and their close cousin, in-group favoritism. In The American Non-Dilemma, Nancy DiTomaso argues that persistent racial inequality in the United States is not solely or even primarily a reflection of racism and discrimination. Rather, it reflects the fact that whites tend to help other whites without ever discriminating against or ...

I fear that I’m about to wade into all kinds of messy territory, but alas, that is the work of feminist critical thinking. This morning I came across a Slate piece by Reihan Salam about why ...


Weekly Feminist Reader

Three teens have been arrested for raping Audrie Potts, who killed herself in September. Check back in for more on Potts tomorrow from Maya.

Janet Mock is the Racialicious Crush of the Week!

Girls — and later women — decide not to run for office because they don’t want to be unlikeable, not because they are lacking leadership qualities.

Swiss bank punks men on “Equal Pay Day.”

Mia McKenzie of Black Girl Dangerous on “accidental” racism.

The Canadian police have reopened Rehtaeh Parsons’ rape case in the wake of her suicide. And Parsons’ dad demands change in a heartbreaking essay.

India’s anti-rape movement: redefining solidarity outside the colonial frame.

Despite protests of his “violently misogynistic ...

Three teens have been arrested for raping Audrie Potts, who killed herself in September. Check back in for more on Potts tomorrow from Maya.

Janet Mock is the Racialicious Crush of the Week!

The Wednesday Weigh-In: Online Dating Edition

Online dating. It’s far from an unexplored topic in the feminist blogosphere. We’ve talked before about some of the dangers of online dating.  And over at GOOD, Jill Fillipovic had a brilliant piece about how two years of online dating taught her to spot red flags in potential suitors. (Clue number one: “I’m a nice guy.”)

But it seems with every passing day, online dating is becoming more and more normalized. Exhibit A: as a single 20-something living in New York City, a good chunk of my friends are engaged with online dating in some way (most through OKCupid).  Exhibit B: a hilarious new weekly Buzzfeed column “An(n)als of Online Dating” that purports to “show the best of the ...

Online dating. It’s far from an unexplored topic in the feminist blogosphere. We’ve talked before about some of the dangers of online dating.  And over at GOOD, Jill Fillipovic had a brilliant piece about how ...