Posts Tagged North Dakota

Four Native youth stand, some are smiling some are serious.

13 year-old girl from Standing Rock Tribe stands up to proposed oil pipeline

Anna Lee Rain Yellowhammer and thirty young people from the Standing Rock Reservation are campaigning to stop a pipeline they say will leak into their water. In the few weeks since they started it, over 70,000 people have signed their (where full disclosure, I work) petition and a string of celebrities have endorsed it over social media. 

Anna Lee Rain Yellowhammer and thirty young people from the Standing Rock Reservation are campaigning to stop a pipeline they say will leak into their water. In the few weeks since they started it, over ...

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Bearing Witness: North Dakota oil industry increases violence against Native women

Ed. note: This post is part of a series, “Bearing Witness,” highlighting indigenous women fighting for climate justice in the Americas. Read the rest of the series here.

Up until recently, North Dakota was an unlikely destination for most Americans.

Ed. note: This post is part of a series, “Bearing Witness,” highlighting indigenous women fighting for climate justice in the Americas. Read the rest of the series here.

Up until recently, North Dakota was ...

Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet








The conservative paper Investors’ Business Daily stays classy by featuring  lynching in an anti-Sharpton Cartoon.

In a heart-warming vomit-inducing story gun advocates are raising money to buy a new gun for… wait for it… George Zimmerman.

North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory has said he will sign the #motorcyclevagina bill. So, in response, YOU should sign this petition.

Painful sex is a thing and it’s not that uncommon.

Harvey Fierstein’s NYT op-ed on Russia’s homophobic policies.

Woot! Federal judge blocks North Dakota bill that would have banned abortion at 6 weeks and would have been the most restrictive law on abortion in the country.

Woot #2! Elizabeth Warren questions “Stand Your Ground” laws.









The conservative paper Investors’ Business Daily stays classy by featuring  lynching in an anti-Sharpton Cartoon.

In a heart-warming vomit-inducing story gun advocates are raising money to buy a new gun for… wait for it… George Zimmerman.

North ...

Judge overturns b.s. ban on medical abortion

Here’s some good ovaries-related news, for a change. A North Dakota judge struck down a ban on medical abortions Monday. East Central Judge Wickham Corwin ruled that the 2011 state law outlawing the two drugs used in medical abortions was “simply wrongheaded” and violated the North Dakota and United States Constitution. Corwin wrote that “no compelling state interest justifies this infringement …” He also criticized an expert witness for the defense, Dr. Donna Harrison, the president the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, whose “opinions lack scientific support, tend to be based on unsubstantiated concerns and are generally at odds with solid medical evidence.”

This is great news for the state’s only abortion clinic, the ...

Here’s some good ovaries-related news, for a change. A North Dakota judge struck down a ban on medical abortions Monday. East Central Judge Wickham Corwin ruled that the 2011 state law outlawing the two drugs used ...


Weekly Feminist Reader

Princeton alum tells female students to hurry up and find a husband already.

Sandberg, Slaughter, et al. are advocating for a new feminism devoid of social justice.

In memory of Pastor Henry Enuta.

Duh: pre-viability abortions bans are unconstitutional.

Feminists don’t hate men–they just hate you, MRA dude.

Conservative justices thought this year was their last chance to fight same-sex marriage.

Check out the trailer from “Feminist: Stories from Women’s Liberation,” which won top honors at the 2013 L.A. Women’s Film Festival.

“Leaning in” in Iraq.

Bill Gates wants you to invent a better condom.

Rape is not a punch line, Rick Ross.

So what if Victoria’s Secret sells ...

Princeton alum tells female students to hurry up and find a husband already.

Sandberg, Slaughter, et al. are advocating for a new feminism devoid of social justice.

In memory of Pastor Henry Enuta.

Governor of North Dakota signs “heartbeat” bill banning abortion after 6 weeks

Governor Jack Dalrymple of North Dakota, a Republican, (duh!) signed three bills into law that would ban almost all abortions. Here are the three bills, all of which were passed by the Republican-controlled (duh!) legislature:

1. A requirement that doctors who perform abortions get admitting privileges at a local hospital. This could have the effect of closing the Red River Women’s Clinic in Fargo, the state’s only abortion provider.

2. An unprecedented ban against abortion in the case of genetic defects.

3. A ban on abortion once a fetal heartbeat is “detectable,” which can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy when a transvaginal ultrasound is used.

The last bill, is unlikely to stand because it violate Roe v. ...

Governor Jack Dalrymple of North Dakota, a Republican, (duh!) signed three bills into law that would ban almost all abortions. Here are the three bills, all of which were passed by the Republican-controlled (duh!) legislature:

1. ...

North Dakotans will vote on a “personhood” amendment

There’s a reason North Dakota just won MoJo‘s Anti-Choice Champion award. Not even a week after passing a “heartbeat” bill, the state has approved a personhood amendment that would give fertilized eggs legal rights. Who needs a 6-week abortion ban if you can just outlaw the procedure altogether?

North Dakota became the first state on Friday to pass a fetal personhood amendment, which grants legal personhood rights to embryos from the moment of fertilization. The state House of Representatives voted 57 to 35 to pass the amendment, after the Senate passed the same measure last month.

The measure will now appear on the November 2014 ballot, and voters will be able to accept or reject it. If ...

There’s a reason North Dakota just won MoJo‘s Anti-Choice Champion award. Not even a week after passing a “heartbeat” bill, the state has approved a personhood amendment that would give fertilized eggs legal rights. ...

Tell the Governor of North Dakota to veto the new “heartbeat” bill banning abortion after 6 weeks

It hasn’t even been two weeks, but Arkansas may not hold the title for the state with the most extreme abortion ban in the country for much longer. On Friday, the North Dakota legislature approved a “heartbeat” bill that, like Arkansas’ original proposal, would ban abortions as early as six weeks.

Little more than a week after Arkansas adopted the country’s most stringent abortion limits, banning the procedure at 12 weeks of pregnancy, the North Dakota Legislature on Friday passed a more restrictive bill that would ban most abortions as early as 6 weeks into pregnancy.

The Legislature, which is dominated by Republicans, also passed a second measure that would ban abortions sought because of a genetic abnormality or ...

It hasn’t even been two weeks, but Arkansas may not hold the title for the state with the most extreme abortion ban in the country for much longer. On Friday, the North Dakota legislature approved a ...

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