Posts Tagged Nina Turner

“A respect for humanity says that you respect women”

On Sunday’s show, Melissa Harris-Perry perfectly contextualizes the climate where we are witnessing state by state assaults on women bodies, privacy, and reproductive freedom protected under the 14th Amendment in the year where Roe v Wade turns 40, the landmark decision that affirmed a woman’s right to privacy. Stay for the interview with Ohio State Senator Nina Turner. Again, the voting rights act is a feminist issue. To quote State Senator Turner, “Elections have consequences.”

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On Sunday’s show, Melissa Harris-Perry perfectly contextualizes the climate where we are witnessing state by state assaults on women bodies, privacy, and reproductive freedom protected under the 14th Amendment in the year where Roe v ...

Bad-Ass Woman of the Day: Nina Turner

Ohio State Senator Nina Turner is one bad-ass lady. Turner introduced Senate bill 307 that requires men who want a prescription for viagra to go see a sex therapist, get a cardiac stress test, and to get a signed affidavit from their sexual partner. Here, she insists that her bill is just as serious as the menz who introduce bullcrap legislation such as Ohio’s ridiculous heartbeat bill, “personhood” amendments, and transvaginal ultrasound bills. *pumps fist in solidarity*

Watch her lay it down.

Via Jessica.

Ohio State Senator Nina Turner is one bad-ass lady. Turner introduced Senate bill 307 that requires men who want a prescription for viagra to go see a sex therapist, get a cardiac stress test, and to ...