Posts Tagged newspaper


Newspapers censor “Doonesbury” strips about abortion news

All this week, “Doonesbury” is running a series of comic strips about the ultrasound laws that have popped up recently. The first strip features an abortion patient being sent to the “Shaming Room.”

I guess it shouldn’t come as a surprise in our current political climate that some newspapers have decided not to run the strips about abortion. Or that the list of papers that have opted out of running the strip is dominated by publications in states where ultrasound laws have come up.

Of course, you can read the strips online if your newspaper is afraid of humor about the news.

Jamil Smith took a look at some of the papers censoring the strips and found a ...

All this week, “Doonesbury” is running a series of comic strips about the ultrasound laws that have popped up recently. The first strip features an abortion patient being sent to the “Shaming Room.”

I guess it shouldn’t ...

Jill Abramson to be first female executive editor at the New York Times.

Jill Abramson, the Washington bureau chief for the New York Times, will be replacing Bill Keller as the executive editor, making her the first woman ever in this position.

The New York Times writes,

Ms. Abramson will be the first woman to be editor in the paper’s 160-year history. “It’s meaningful to me,” she said of that distinction, adding, “You stand on the shoulders of those who came before you, and I couldn’t be prouder to be standing on Bill’s shoulders.”

Her selection is something of a departure for The Times, an institution that has historically chosen executive editors who have ascended the ranks through postings in overseas bureaus and managing desks like Foreign or Metropolitan.

Ms. Abramson came to The Times in 1997 ...

Jill Abramson, the Washington bureau chief for the New York Times, will be replacing Bill Keller as the executive editor, making her the first woman ever in this position.

The New York Times writes,

Ms. Abramson will be the ...