Posts Tagged Michelle Williams

FGC cartoon

Weekly Feminist Reader

Egyptian cartoonist Doaa Eladl publishes a controversial cartoon criticizing FGC.

The North Dakota Senate has approved a ban on abortions after six-weeks of pregnancy, the most restrictive in the country.

Both cops involved in Kimani Gray’s murder had already been named in federal lawsuits.

The Middle East’s first women’s museum has opened in Dubai.

Domestic violence is four times as prevalent in police offer families as in the general population.

Ugandan girl chess genius Phiona Mutesi invited to play against Bill Gates (who is arrogant enough to think he stands a chance).

How has social media changed the way we talk about rape?

Senator Feinstein won’t stand for mansplaining.


Egyptian cartoonist Doaa Eladl publishes a controversial cartoon criticizing FGC.

The North Dakota Senate has approved a ban on abortions after six-weeks of pregnancy, the most restrictive in the country.

Both cops ...