Posts Tagged metal

Dave Mustaine’s bizarre attempt at relevance: Pseudo-endorsing Santorum

Last week the news hit that Dave Mustaine, front man for metal group Megadeth, may have endorsed Rick Santorum. I didn’t even tweet about it–I was still befuddled that anyone still listens to Dave Mustaine or his music, let alone give a crap about who the maestro that created a “Symphony of Destruction” is endorsing in the presidential run.

I knew my share of headbangers in high school and I remember some of them claiming Mustaine was mega-smart. From what I understood about metal, despite what one might assume was it’s primarily white listenership, metal was about expressing anger against oppressive social constructs–critical of religious institutions, sexual repression and limits on self expression (how else can you justify growing ...

Last week the news hit that Dave Mustaine, front man for metal group Megadeth, may have endorsed Rick Santorum. I didn’t even tweet about it–I was still befuddled that anyone still listens to Dave Mustaine ...