Posts Tagged martin luther king day

Document of the Day: The FBI tried to blackmail Martin Luther King into killing himself

Though the right and even the mainstream frequently try to co-opt and sugarcoat Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and legacy, it is worth remembering just how radical Dr. King was. People familiar with U.S. history may not be surprised that the FBI was obsessed with and spied on King. But even the jaded may be surprised to learn the the FBI actually threatened King and encouraged him to kill himself.

Though the right and even the mainstream frequently try to co-opt and sugarcoat Martin Luther King Jr.’s life and legacy, it is worth remembering just how radical Dr. King was. People familiar with ...

Happy Martin Luther King Day

We are taking the afternoon off in honor of Martin Luther King Day. But here are some great articles, videos, and links which honor King’s life and highlight his legacy speaking truth to power. (Video transcript and more after the jump.) 

We are taking the afternoon off in honor of Martin Luther King Day. But here are some great articles, videos, and links which honor King’s life and highlight his legacy speaking truth to power. (Video transcript and ...