Posts Tagged makeup

zadie smith looking critical

On Beauty, Or Why Zadie Smith’s Comments Aren’t About You

Author Zadie Smith came under fire from quarters of liberal feminist internet last week when she revealed she was critical of makeup — and the influence makeup culture had on young girls, such as her daughter. But Smith’s comments weren’t a personal attack at make-up wearers: just a critique of a culture that requires women to always appear presentable and beautiful, even from a very young age. 

Author Zadie Smith came under fire from quarters of liberal feminist internet last week when she revealed she was critical of makeup — and the influence makeup culture had on young girls, such as her daughter. But Smith’s ...


I can’t stop dancing to Amy Schumer’s One Direction parody

The sign of a good parody is when it’s just as enjoyable as the thing it’s mocking, while also making a point about that thing. Which means that, in my book, Amy Schumer’s parody of pop songs about how women are beautiful just the way they are but-kinda-not-really is really, really good.

The sign of a good parody is when it’s just as enjoyable as the thing it’s mocking, while also making a point about that thing. Which means that, in my book, Amy Schumer’s parody of pop songs ...

This feminist makeup tutorial parody is pitch- perfect

In case you haven’t seen this making its way around the internet, this feminist makeup tutorial parody is pitch perfect. Featuring gems such as “Next we’re going to use a light foundation. Make sure you give every part of your face a fair and equal amount of representation, unlike the government and prime time television.”

I am unable to locate one so please post a transcript in the comments.

In case you haven’t seen this making its way around the internet, this feminist makeup tutorial parody is pitch perfect. Featuring gems such as “Next we’re going to use a light foundation. Make sure you give every ...

Bachmann Sexism Watch: Hair and Makeup Edition

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Remember Palin Sexism Watch and Hillary Sexism Watch during the last presidential election? I guess it’s time for the Bachmann version.

Mother Jones of all places wrote yesterday about Michele Bachmann’s hair and makeup bill:

According to Bachmann’s latest campaign finance filings, her campaign spent nearly $4,700 on hair and makeup in the weeks after she entered the presidential race on June 13. Records show her campaign made three payments of $1,715, $250, and $2,704 to a Maryland-based stylist named Tamara Robertson. Robertson’s LinkedIn profile says she works as a makeup artist at Fox News in the DC area. She’s also listed in the “Make-up” section of the credits for the Citizens ...

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Remember Palin Sexism Watch and Hillary Sexism Watch during the last presidential election? I guess it’s time for the Bachmann version.

Mother Jones of all places wrote yesterday about Michele Bachmann’s ...