Posts Tagged Kickstarter

Thank you for funding Feministing #TimesTen!

We did it! Our Kickstarter campaign ended last night, with 1,037 of you contributing to Feministing #TimesTen for a funding total of $38,958. With this money we’ll be able to relaunch the site, build the groundwork to make Feministing sustainable, and start to pay our whole crew for their hard work.

Big thanks to our incredible Fundraising Advisory Board who helped us put this campaign together and provided so many of the amazing perks. And thanks to the whole Feministing crew for all your tireless work throughout this campaign.

And of course thank you so much to everyone who donated! We’re so grateful for all your support. In addition to contributing, thank you for tweeting, facebooking, and telling your friends ...

We did it! Our Kickstarter campaign ended last night, with 1,037 of you contributing to Feministing #TimesTen for a funding total of $38,958. With this money we’ll be able to relaunch the site, build ...

It’s the LAST day of our Feministing #TimesTen Kickstarter campaign!

We’re down to the final 15 hours, folks!

Over the past month, we’ve been honored, humbled, and frankly downright giddy that so many of you have donated to support the Feministing #Times Ten relaunch. We’ve never really asked our readers to give to a big fundraising effort like this before, and we were a little nervous about it. But we’ve been inspired to see how the Feministing community has stepped up. We can’t wait to show you what you’ve made possible.

In this final day of the campaign, it’s time for professional procrastinators like me to shine. Maybe you’ve been meaning to donate for weeks but never quite got around to it. If so, it is ...

We’re down to the final 15 hours, folks!

Over the past month, we’ve been honored, humbled, and frankly downright giddy that so many of you have donated to support the


Thanks to your support Feministing #TimesTen is funded! Here’s what we’ll do with our $50k stretch goal

Wow. You are all amazing! You helped Feministing #TimesTen reach its $30,000 funding goal within two weeks, and the numbers keep climbing. So far, over 700 backers have given an average pledge amount of about $40, showing that our community can do truly amazing things when we come together. I agree with what Jos tweeted yesterday:

Feministing #TimesTen‘s success shows me the feminist internet is full of great ppl who lift up & support each other

— Jos Truitt (@jostruitt) December 3, 2013

To that end, we’ll be riding out the next two weeks to get all the funds we can. We’re adding a stretch goal ...

Wow. You are all amazing! You helped Feministing #TimesTen reach its $30,000 funding goal within two weeks, and the numbers keep climbing. So far, over 700 ...

Feminsiting Times Ten logo

Announcing the #TimesTen Raffle: Win a dinner with the founders of Feministing!

If you’re a regular reader of the site, you probably know by now that we are raising money to fund a relaunch of Feministing, including a site redesign and sustainable infrastructure.

And to that end, some pretty great news: with 16 days left in our Kickstarter, and thanks to the efforts of over 650 backers, we’ve raised over $28,000 — that’s 93% of our goal!

That’s incredible progress, and we’re so grateful to each of our backers. Seriously, you’re the best. But we don’t only show our thanks with words. To show you how thankful we are for your support, we’ve decided to sweeten the pot a bit.

If you’re a regular reader of the site, you probably know by now that we are raising money to fund a relaunch of Feministing, including a site redesign and sustainable infrastructure.

And ...

Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet, plus a #TimesTen Kickstarter status update

This Thanksgiving, the Feministing crew truly has a lot to be thankful for. As of the writing of this article, our #TimesTen Kickstarter has broken $25k! To our 500+ backers at the $1, $2,500 level, and everyone in between, we say: thank you. Every dollar counts. To those who have yet to join our movement, please consider giving today. And look out next week for some exciting new perks and a brand new stretch goal!

In other news…Happy Thanksgivvukah everybody!

B̶a̶b̶y̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶f̶a̶c̶t̶o̶r̶i̶e̶s̶  ladies regret one night stands, according to flawless science reporting (make sure your snark detector is on for this one).

Remembering Harvey Milk.

For Black women, everything is a feminist ...

This Thanksgiving, the Feministing crew truly has a lot to be thankful for. As of the writing of this article, our #TimesTen Kickstarter has broken $25k! To our 500+ backers at the $1, $2,500 level, and everyone ...

Feministing Follow Friday: FAB edition

So, ICYMI: we’re fundraising. Just three days after the launch of our Kickstarter, we’ve raised $13,767 — nearly half of our goal. We’ve been really overwhelmed by your support: most of the money we’re raised has come in the form of $10 or $15 donations from loyal readers, which makes us feel like we must be doing something right. Our fundraising advisory board has also been essential for our success thus far. Some of our personal feminist heroes are guiding our efforts behind the scenes and offering some sweet perks for donors (the most recent: our own Academic Feminist, Gwendolyn Beetham, will review and make suggestions on a reader’s grad school ...

So, ICYMI: we’re fundraising. Just three days after the launch of our Kickstarter, we’ve raised $13,767 — nearly half of our goal. We’ve been really overwhelmed by your support: most of the ...

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