Posts Tagged Justice Now

Quick Hit: California investigates sterilizations of prisoners

Last year, the Center for Investigative Reporting exposed to the country what California-based prisoners and advocates had known for years: women in the state’s prisons were being sterilized against their will. Now, the AP reports:

State auditors found 39 cases where female state prison inmates may not have understood they were submitting to medical procedures that would leave them sterile, according to a report released Thursday that recommended authorities investigate the doctors and hospitals involved.

State law prohibits inmates from elective sterilizations as methods of birth control. However, prison officials allow sterilizations in cases deemed medically necessary.

Last year, the Center for Investigative Reporting exposed to the country what California-based prisoners and advocates had known for years: women in the state’s prisons were being sterilized against their will. Now, the AP ...

Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet

Justice Now’s Orange is the New Black privilege bingo!

What does a movement against gendered violence look like without carceral feminism?

The Adventures of Mansplainer.

And mansplaining, explained: Jessica interviews Rebecca Solnit.

Don’t forget to register for the 2014 WAM!NYC Conference to hear Janet Mock, our own Zerlina, and more awesome feminists.

Lan Pham responds to #AllMenCan.

Our incomplete memory of women’s liberation.

The Representation Project rates 2014 films.

Justice Now’s Orange is the New Black privilege bingo!

What does a movement against gendered violence look like without carceral feminism?

The Adventures of Mansplainer.

And mansplaining, explained: Jessica interviews Rebecca ...

Keeping youth out of adult prisons

In a welcome bit of positive news, after years of  “tough-on-crime” legislation that started gaining traction in the 1980s, some states are now passing laws which keep youth offenders out of  the adult criminal justice system by curtailing prosecutors’ abilities to try them as adults.

In a welcome bit of positive news, after years of  “tough-on-crime” legislation that started gaining traction in the 1980s, some states are now passing laws which keep youth offenders out of  the adult criminal ...