Posts Tagged I want my war criminals to be LADY war criminals

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Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet: SCOTUS Prop 8 hearing edition

Flashback to 2009 for some musical Prop 8-hating.

SCOTUSblog predicts the Court’s June decision and analyzes Kennedy’s power.

The Atlantic Wire: “The Justices are Hedging.”

Check out the (now hours-old) live updates from The Lede.

Think Progress calls out the SCOTUS on its cowardice.

A timeline of politicians’ support for marriage equality.

The Onion weighs in on the case as well.

Californians regret passing Prop 8.

Same-sex marriage: 1. Sexual freedom: 0.

Why marriage is the wrong goal.

Revisit Hilton Al’s 2011 New Yorker article “Gay Marriage and Queer Life.”

As well as Jason Anthony’s piece in the Boston Review.

Same-sex marriage is ...

Flashback to 2009 for some musical Prop 8-hating.

SCOTUSblog predicts the Court’s June decision and analyzes Kennedy’s power.

The Atlantic Wire: “The Justices are Hedging.”

Check out the (now hours-old)