Posts Tagged hunger games

Chart: Movies with strong female roles make more money

After analyzing the top 50 biggest box office movies of 2013, Versha Sharma and Hanna Sender have an innovative money-making tip for Hollywood: Make more movies starring women. Revolutionary, right?

Roughly one third of the films they looked at passed the Bechdel Test–meaning they included at least two female characters, who talk to each other about something besides a dude. Let’s take one quick second to mourn the fact that it is 2014 and people are still making movies that fail to meet this very, very low standard. Ok, now the good news: The films that passed the test brought in billions of dollars more than the ones that didn’t. Check out the breakdown after the jump. 

After analyzing the top 50 biggest box office movies of 2013, Versha Sharma and Hanna Sender have an innovative money-making tip for Hollywood: Make more movies starring women. Revolutionary, right?

Roughly one third of the films they looked at ...

Inspired by the Hunger Games, girls “aim” farther with archery

Thank you Katniss Everdeen! The popularity of the Hunger Games series, a trilogy book-turned-movie  series, has more girls “aiming” for archery as their sport (I had no idea archery was a sport) of choice. According to NPR, some sellers of sporting equipment  have noticed an increase in bow and arrow sales since the first movie was released in 2012. And over the past 2 years, membership in USA Archery has doubled. One girl’s experience with the sport is described here.

Thank you Katniss Everdeen! The popularity of the Hunger Games series, a trilogy book-turned-movie  series, has more girls “aiming” for archery as their sport (I had no idea archery was a sport) of choice. According to