Posts Tagged huma abedin

Stay Classy, American Media

I know it’s hard American Media, but still, can we refrain from slut-shaming women and concern-trolling the wives that stay with these dudes?

The New York Post cover (above), which trolls Huma Abedin, is just, you know, ick.
Buzzfeed’s super sleuth reportage does some slut shaming here by outing the alleged identity of the other texter. And! The New York Times only added more weaksauce to my least favorite thing about them too: a slapdash collection of three opinions of Huma Abedin with a quote from an ‘expert’ and now we have a news story.

This isn’t reporting as much as it’s just water cooler gossip masquerading as news.

The judgment of women in cases ...

I know it’s hard American Media, but still, can we refrain from slut-shaming women and concern-trolling the wives that stay with these dudes?

The New York Post cover (above), which trolls Huma ...

Guess who’s slamming islamophobia & defending Huma Abedin?

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN), has long been inspired by Joe McCarthy, and this time, she is aiming her witch hunt at Huma Abedin, a Pakistani-American top aide to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, for her alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Abedin is also married to Jewish former Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY), the perfect way to inflitrate, not only the U.S, Government, but the Jewish World! [that was sarcasm and I’m Jewish]

Guess who defended Abedin and religious liberty (for Muslims, not just Christians, which is often the implicit argument made by those who defend religious liberty lately)? Conservative Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI)! Here he is during a town hall meeting on Sunday, trying to reason with a most ...

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN), has long been inspired by Joe McCarthy, and this time, she is aiming her witch hunt at Huma Abedin, a Pakistani-American top aide to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, for her alleged ...