Posts Tagged gendered toys

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Australian Minister for Women: “Let boys be boys and girls be girls”

We’ve covered Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, and his, shall we say, less than feminist ideas, before. Abbott has declared himself a feminist, but this week, the PM made some comments that suggest he should re-read — ok, fine, read – his Judith Butler. 

We’ve covered Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, and his, shall we say, less than feminist ideas, before. Abbott has declared himself a feminist, but this week, the PM made some comments that suggest ...

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Photo of the Day: 7-year-old girl unimpressed by sexist advertising

Seven-year-old Maggie’s expression perfectly sums up how we all feel about gendered toy advertising. When she spotted this sign at a Tesco, she told her mom, “Well that’s wrong! Anybody can like superheroes, they’re being stupid aren’t they?” Indeed they are, Maggie. (h/t Buzzfeed)

Seven-year-old Maggie’s expression perfectly sums up how we all feel about gendered toy advertising. When she spotted this sign at a Tesco, she told her mom, “Well that’s wrong! Anybody can like superheroes, they’re being ...

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New favorite meme: Feminist Hacker Barbie

Last week, the internet was disappointed to discover that, countary to the title, Mattel’s illustrated book Barbie: I Can be a Computer Engineer sends pretty much the opposite message. Instead, Barbie says things like: “I’m only creating the design ideas. I’ll need Steven’s and Brian’s help to turn it into a game.”

Last week, the internet was disappointed to discover that, countary to the title, Mattel’s illustrated book Barbie: I Can be a Computer Engineer sends pretty much the opposite message. Instead, Barbie says things like: “I’m only ...