Posts Tagged funny or die

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Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet: SCOTUS Prop 8 hearing edition

Flashback to 2009 for some musical Prop 8-hating.

SCOTUSblog predicts the Court’s June decision and analyzes Kennedy’s power.

The Atlantic Wire: “The Justices are Hedging.”

Check out the (now hours-old) live updates from The Lede.

Think Progress calls out the SCOTUS on its cowardice.

A timeline of politicians’ support for marriage equality.

The Onion weighs in on the case as well.

Californians regret passing Prop 8.

Same-sex marriage: 1. Sexual freedom: 0.

Why marriage is the wrong goal.

Revisit Hilton Al’s 2011 New Yorker article “Gay Marriage and Queer Life.”

As well as Jason Anthony’s piece in the Boston Review.

Same-sex marriage is ...

Flashback to 2009 for some musical Prop 8-hating.

SCOTUSblog predicts the Court’s June decision and analyzes Kennedy’s power.

The Atlantic Wire: “The Justices are Hedging.”

Check out the (now hours-old)

Kate Beckinsale wants the GOP in her vagina

The great thing about the scary, reactionary, time-traveling policies the Republicans are advocating, is that it provides a lot of comedic fodder. Funny or Die has another video on the subject of the GOP’s obsession with controlling vaginas. The video stars Kate Beckinsale, Judy Greer and Andrea Savage. See why these women want Republicans “way, way deep, up there in” their vaginas.

The great thing about the scary, reactionary, time-traveling policies the Republicans are advocating, is that it provides a lot of comedic fodder. Funny or Die has another video on the subject of the GOP’s obsession with ...