Brown Girls is the web series everyone’s been talking about.
Brown Girls is the web series everyone’s been talking about.
Brown Girls is the web series everyone’s been talking about.
Brown Girls is the web series everyone’s been talking about.
Nothing gets my feminist tits in a more tangled twirl than corny, normative relationship advice. Not only are the same puritan, normative tropes used over and over again, they’re employed to answer the same tired questions. And employ the same tired narratives about gender, friendships, and sexuality.
Nothing gets my feminist tits in a more tangled twirl than corny, normative relationship advice. Not only are the same puritan, normative tropes used over and over again, they’re employed to answer the same tired questions. And ...
Ed. note: This post was originally published on the Community site.
Anyone paying attention to the world of pop culture knows that it’s a hostile one, with feuds and rivalries between artists being the norm.
Ed. note: This post was originally published on the Community site.
Anyone paying attention to the world of pop culture knows that it’s a hostile one, with feuds and rivalries between artists being the norm.
Looking for a Valentine’s Day card for a special someone in your life who doesn’t fit neatly into a little Hallmark-approved box in the romantic-industrial complex? You don’t say! Me too. Thankfully, everyone’s favorite sex ed site, Scarleteen, has got us covered.
If you haven’t read Ann Friedman’s piece last week on courting friendships in the same vein we court relationships, you should. Ann gives language to a situation that most, if not all of us are faced with: how do we make meaningful friendships in adulthood? Her piece prompted me to ask a question of my own: what changes for queer people when we want to create platonic, same-sex friendships? I wanted to expand on the conversation that Ann started because it’s a really important conversation- but I wanted a space to bring up what’s different if you’re having that conversation as a queer person.
If you haven’t read Ann Friedman’s piece last week on courting friendships in the same vein we court relationships, you should. Ann gives language to a situation that most, if not all of us are ...
Platonic relationships between women have always been “suspect” in the general opinion. We can look back as far as the Salem witch trials, for example, to see exactly how dangerous it was in America for women to build sustainable relationships with one another without the supervision of men. Back then, women who were single, financially independent, involved in midwifery or other medical practices and/or spent too much time with other women were accused – and sometimes tried and convicted – of witchcraft. Even today, the myth persists that women are somehow not able to maintain healthy relationships (an idea that is fueled by the onslaught of reality television shows that show women hating each other). And if women have close ...
Platonic relationships between women have always been “suspect” in the general opinion. We can look back as far as the Salem witch trials, for example, to see exactly how dangerous it was in America for women to ...
As you know, Vanessa Valenti, one of the driving forces behind what has made Feministing so great, left us to fully engage in her robust consulting career and business partnership with Courtney Martin. When people leave Feministing, they generally move on to more kinds of awesome, but Vanessa’s role in shaping this space can’t really even be quantified and we certainly don’t want it to be forgotten.
Vanessa is not only an amazing writer, she’s also a defender of voices less heard, a fierce (and intimidating if you are not nice to us!) advocate for her friends, a dance floor killa’, and truly, one of the most compassionate people I have ever known. We love Vanessa so much, ...
As you know, Vanessa Valenti, one of the driving forces behind what has made Feministing so great, left us to fully engage in her robust consulting career and business partnership with Courtney Martin. When ...
How are you all celebrating? Check out more cards here.
How are you all celebrating? Check out more cards here.