Apparently, it’s 2011 all over again.
Apparently, it’s 2011 all over again.
Apparently, it’s 2011 all over again.
Apparently, it’s 2011 all over again.
According to a new survey by the Texas Policy Evaluation Project, over half of women in Texas face at least one barrier to accessing reproductive health care.
According to a new survey by the Texas Policy Evaluation Project, over half of women in Texas face at least one barrier to accessing reproductive health care.
For years, the Guttmacher Institute has been calculating just how many unintended pregnancies are prevented–and how much money is saved–by investing in public family planning programs. It’s a depressingly necessary project, as conservatives have taken aim at such funding — both in the US and abroad — in their quest to slash the safety net and vilify all reproductive health care.
For years, the Guttmacher Institute has been calculating just how many unintended pregnancies are prevented–and how much money is saved–by investing in public family planning programs. It’s a depressingly necessary project, as conservatives have ...
Happy World Contraception Day! While I think we could use some better contraceptive options, there’s no question that we’re living in a golden age for birth control. Just take a look at this video from EngenderHealth on history’s worst contraceptives.
Happy World Contraception Day! While I think we could use some better contraceptive options, there’s no question that we’re living in a golden age for birth control. Just take a look at this video from EngenderHealth ...
What do 222 million women in developing nations around the world have in common? They all want access to modern contraceptive. In a new video and infographic, Population Action International explains that if the U.S. contributed a mere .03% of its federal budget towards international family planning, they could provide the 222 million women– more than the combined populations of Spain, The Netherlands, France, Germany and Belgium– with the contraception they so desperately want and need. This would save the lives of 70,000 women and prevent the deaths of one million infants each year!
transcript coming soon and will be after the jump. If any readers could provide it, that would be amazing!
What do 222 million women in developing nations around the world have in common? They all want access to modern contraceptive. In a new video and infographic, Population Action International explains that if the ...
*This is a guest post submitted by someone who wishes to remain anonymous because they work in the global health field and could lose their job for voicing these opinions. This post does not necessarily reflect the views of Feministing contributors or editors.
The press coverage has been glowing: Melinda Gates launches global crusade for contraception; Gates summit aims to fill family planning gap, Melinda Gates takes on the Vatican.
These are just a few of the headlines that appeared following this week’s London Summit on Family Planning. Sponsored by the Gates Foundation and the UK Government, the Summit aimed—and succeeded—in mobilizing big name funders and governments to invest in expanding contraceptive access in developing countries.
It can’t be denied ...
*This is a guest post submitted by someone who wishes to remain anonymous because they work in the global health field and could lose their job for voicing these opinions. This post does not necessarily reflect the ...
Friends, today is World Population Day. According to the UN, World Population Day is observed every July 11th to “reaffirm the human right to plan for a family” and to encourage “activities, events and information to help make this right a reality throughout the world.”
I work within the UN system and these kinds of thematically-focused “days” are incredibly common: there’s International Women’s Day; World Radio Day; and even a “Day of the Girl-Child”.
But this year, I’ve noticed a higher-than-usual level of interest in World Population Day due to the high profile London Summit on Family Planning, put on by the Gates Foundation and the UK government. You can read more about the Summit and its outcomes in ...
Friends, today is World Population Day. According to the UN, World Population Day is observed every July 11th to “reaffirm the human right to plan for a family” and to encourage “activities, events and information to ...