Posts Tagged europe

Feminist activists’ headquarters burns down after group received “burn witches” threat

The Paris Headquarters of controversial topless feminist group FEMEN burned down over the weekend, and while police are calling the fire “accidental,” my feminist spidey sense is saying otherwise. The group is claiming that they’ve been a victim of arson, a not-impossible prospect considering that a) they receive death threats every day, and b) the day before the fire broke out they received a message that said “burn witches”. Thankfully, no one was hurt in the fire.

The group has previously stated that their key goal is “to end patriarchy, to destroy it,” and that “patriarchy as we perceive it will no longer exist.” I can see why this would be a troubling goal to some feminist haters. The sad reality is that ...

The Paris Headquarters of controversial topless feminist group FEMEN burned down over the weekend, and while police are calling the fire “accidental,” my feminist spidey sense is saying otherwise. The group is claiming that they’ve been a victim ...