Posts Tagged debt ceiling

What’s your debt ceiling got to do with me?

I just spent the last hour trying to piece together what I understand of the debate around the debt ceiling, as both an exaggerated crisis and the potential for a really big problem, to explain what it is and why we should care but then I got confused (and I even took economics as an undergrad) and the Feministing email thread ended up with a whole lotta “fuck republicans” and “this is all because the President is black.” I know, you would rather read that email thread, but here are a few links to help flesh out a debate that threatens a lot of what we know to be foundational to our country.

The imitable Melissa Harris-Perry guest hosted the Rachel ...

I just spent the last hour trying to piece together what I understand of the debate around the debt ceiling, as both an exaggerated crisis and the potential for a really big problem, to explain what it ...