Posts Tagged Debby Herbenick

Black Marriage Negotiations Video Perpetuates Stereotypes and Ignores Context

The “Black Marriage Negotiations” video has been making it’s rounds on Facebook walls and on Essence’s blog. It has grossed nearly 200,000 hits on YouTube after going viral late last week. It was created by an anonymous user at, a site that boasts, “If you can type, you can make movies.”

If only the bar wasn’t so low.  The video isn’t just bunk because it misuses the term “womanist,” a label meant to convey that black women’s emancipation cannot be achieved without black men and children also being fully equal in society. Simply stated, it’s another baseless attack on educated, professional, single, African American women who seek healthy partnerships with men.  There are so many stereotypes about black ...

The “Black Marriage Negotiations” video has been making it’s rounds on Facebook walls and on Essence’s blog. It has grossed nearly 200,000 hits on YouTube after going viral late last week. It was created by ...