Posts Tagged death

Michelle Obama on gun violence, opportunity and possibility

If you thought you couldn’t love Michelle Obama more, listen to her choke back tears as she says important things about gun violence to an audience in Chicago.

Exhibit of awesomeness a) “Resources matter, what it takes to build strong successful young people isn’t genetics, pedigree or good luck — it’s opportunity.” and b) “I started with the same aptitude and intellectual capabilities as so many of my peers and the only thing that separated me from them were a few more advantages.”

The first lady talking about class and opportunity and it’s relationship to violence in low-income communities — never seen that one before.


If you thought you couldn’t love Michelle Obama more, listen to her choke back tears as she says important things about gun violence to an audience in Chicago.

Exhibit of awesomeness a) “Resources matter, what it takes to ...

Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart dead at 43

Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart died suddenly this morning at the age of 43. Mr. Breitbart’s political views and tactics are not in line with most progressive values, but the death of anyone at such a young age is very sad. Breitbart was married with 4 children. Our condolences go out to his family and friends.

It’s true that Breitbart’s life and career was full of public theatrics. His brash brand of conservatism and “call out culture” methods were responsible for both the firing of dedicated long time USDA employee Shirley Sherrod and the resignation of Congressman Anthony Weiner. Sherrod is currently suing Breitbart for defamation after he released a heavily edited video of her making it seem like she discriminated ...

Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart died suddenly this morning at the age of 43. Mr. Breitbart’s political views and tactics are not in line with most progressive values, but the death of anyone at such a young ...

RIP Journalist Marie Colvin, Killed in Syria

Award-winning Sunday Times female journalist Marie Colvin was killed in the Syrian city of Homs yesterday when shells hit the house in the Baba Amr district of Homs in which she was staying and she was hit by a rocket attack when she tried to escape. French photographer Remi Ochlik was also killed in the attack.

Colvin was a well-respected American female war reporter known for her bravery and dedication to high-level reporting from inside war-torn and violent areas. I have a massive amount of respect for her work in a male-dominated and highly dangerous field, and am so inspired by the fact that she provided a great service to the world right up until the last days of her ...

Award-winning Sunday Times female journalist Marie Colvin was killed in the Syrian city of Homs yesterday when shells hit the house in the Baba Amr district of Homs in which she was staying and she was ...