Posts Tagged corporations

Watch John Oliver obliterate the logic behind considering corporations as people

So, Hobby Lobby is a mess, y’all. When the Citizens United case was decided way back in 2010 I wrote about why categorizing corporations as people is bad for women. But I cannot say that I saw this coming. The complete othering of women’s health care in this country is pretty demoralizing.

John Oliver, for one, was able to nail the absurdity of this decision before it even came down. Oliver’s  new “Last Week Tonight” is great — an extension of his hilarious time with Jon Stewart, but a bit more global and maybe more cheeky, too. I am not just saying this because he is British. (Ok, maybe I am, a little. But I have really enjoyed the show: his segments ...

So, Hobby Lobby is a mess, y’all. When the Citizens United case was decided way back in 2010 I wrote about why categorizing corporations as people is bad for women. But I cannot say that I ...

Elizabeth Warren breaks down the difference between corporations & people

Remember when Mitt Romney said that “corporations are people”? In all fairness, Mitt may be a little less human than others, which could explain his confusion. Well, at last night’s convention, a very patient Elizabeth Warren broke down the difference between people and corporations for those who don’t quite get it. [transcript after the jump]

Remember when Mitt Romney said that “corporations are people”? In all fairness, Mitt may be a little less human than others, which could explain his confusion. Well, at last night’s convention, a very patient Elizabeth Warren ...